Our vision
Prot-N-suF aims to improve the well being of pet animals by providing a customer-focused pet food formulation of organically produced protein-derived functional molecules (peptides). This in turn ensures healthy pet diet management and promotes a sense of responsible and sustainable pet companionship.
Our solution
Prot-N-suF introduces a stakeholder-based platform to unify several customer groups to produce an organic and future-proof pet food in the form of microalgae as protein-derived "bioactive peptides". The proposed platform exploits the concept of technological fusion of microalgal, anaerobic digestion, bioflocculation and protein hydrolysis bioprocesses. These eco-friendly and multifunctional peptides can offer numerous health benefits (effective diet and immunity management) to the over-burgeoning population of pet animals in Europe. With increasing demand for sustainable pet food sources, our plant-based peptides which are protein hydrolysates of microalgae grown on agro-based nutrients from biogas plants can substitute conventional peptides sources of animal origin. The nutritional and health beneficial value of the algal peptides is similar or higher than available products due to better amino acid profiles.
Our market
The key customer segments include pet companions and pet food producing industries. The proposed Prot-N-suF product envisages to supply the demand of sustainable, organic and locally produced functional molecules necessary for healthy lifestyle of pets. This further helps the European pet companions and feed suppliers to incorporate the concept of circular economy, reduce the import of pet food ingredients and improve the logistics of pet food production.
About the team
Team Prot-N-suF presents a right balance of scientific and technological expertise with promising entrepreneurial interest. With experience gained through several years of lab-scale assignments and short industrial internships, the early stage researchers aims to extend their interest in "Environmental Technology" to "Food Technology" both at pilot and industrial scale. The curiosity to develop a platform after active interactions with stakeholders and knowledge groups to seize a potential market opportunity remains the key characteristic.