Our vision
When considering the future development of alternative protein sources and the protein intake of our society, we tend to neglect two inevitable factors; the protein source and the consumption time. Whereas soy protein is enjoying great status concerning application areas, GMO debates seem to have a detrimental effect. Locally sourced lupin protein, which has similar nutritional characteristics as soy could substitute the utilization of soy, wherefore Lupinicious aims to integrate this beneficial type of protein to the consumer’s afternoons by offering healthier, familiar, and scrumptious biscuits.
Our solution
Lupinicious is giving consumers the possibility to increase their daily protein intake during the afternoon by offering a set of three different healthier biscuits which are based on lupins. Lupins are considered to be high in protein, have essential amino acids, and most importantly, are grown regionally and can foster agricultural land. Concurrently there are apart from digestive biscuits only either unhealthier biscuits on the market, or those that support clean eating diets. Lupinicious aims to address those, that seek to diversify protein sources and want to consume healthier, but still want to enjoy the coziness of having coffee and biscuits in the afternoon.
Our market
Positioned on the market for biscuits, and dry pastry products, Lupinicious shall fill the market gap between the popular sugary products, and their healthy alternatives that are often positioned only to extremely health-conscious people. Our product is considered to target families of millennials with younger children as this target group is known for still pursuing the tradition from their parental sites to have biscuits as snacks in the afternoon, however, is also majorly interested in healthier products. Due to the nutritional benefits granted by Lupinicious, our biscuits are delicious, familiar, and support families with the desired protein intake.
About the team
Driven by the questions of how to feed the world by 2050 without increasing the pressure on our global ecosystems, I am studying International Food Business sector at the AERES University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands and developed a passion for innovation in resilient food systems. In line with my ambitions to substantially change our concurrent food production systems, I started gathering relevant knowledge about viable protein alternatives such as algae, lupins, and especially edible insects.